
VET for Secondary School Program

Vocational Education and Training, VET is a wonderful way of learning and provides a great opportunity for students to develop knowledge and practical skills relevant to selected industries that interest them.

黑料社区's College has a very active VET program with students in the Middle School and Senior School being able to take advantage of a variety of subjects, some of which are listed below:

- Certificate II Engineering Pathways
- Certificate II Construction & Construction Pathways
- Certificate II Automotive & Automotive Vocational Pathways
- Certificate II Retail Services
- Certificate II Visual Arts
- Certificate II Creative Media
- Certificate II Workplace Skills
- Certificate II Retail Cosmetics
- Certificate II Salon Assistant (Middle School Skill Set) 
- Certificate II Music & Music Editing
- Certificate II Health Support Services
- Certificate II Sport & Recreation
- Certificate II Creative Industries
- Certificate II Visual Arts
- Certificate II Tourism
- Certificate II Applied Languages
- Certificate II Plumbing etc etc etc

Students also have the possibility of participating in School Based Apprenticeships as well as Transition to Work Programs.

If you would like more information please contact the College on (08) 8950 4511.

Sarah Tudor
Acting VET Coordinator