Middle School Curriculum

At ºÚÁÏÉçÇø’s College, we acknowledge today’s world needs critical thinkers and problem solvers; thus, our middle school curriculum focuses on engaging students in learning experiences that encourage both independent thought and collaboration as well as application of learning to real-life situations.

Our Middle School Curriculum at ºÚÁÏÉçÇø’s College encompasses Years 7 to 9 and it is underpinned by contemporary educational research, explicit teaching balanced with discovery learning, the Australian Curriculum design, as well as the Round Square Discovery framework. With 29 different subjects offered in Years 7-9 (not including Community Service, VET and workplace opportunities), over 30 co-curricular activities, outdoor education camps at every year level, performing arts opportunities such as the Junior Play and musical, and academic support and enrichment programmes, our Middle School at ºÚÁÏÉçÇø’s College nurtures and prepares students to flourish in our ever-changing world.

We believe Middle School students need to develop as a whole person, with our students striving to embed our college values: to strive, to seek, to care. To enable both personal and academic success, at ºÚÁÏÉçÇø’s we have developed a modified programme for Year 7 and 8 students with specific learning needs. Our modified programme focuses on improving literacy and numeracy skills with specialist help and scaffolded tasks to allow students to achieve success and ignite a curiosity and enjoyment for learning.

In Year 7, we focus on the 3 Ts: Transitions (from Primary School to Secondary School), Tenacity and Teamwork. In terms of transitions, both the pastoral care programme and the curriculum focuses on preparing each student for secondary schooling and the new challenges faced in a new learning environment. Tenacity is helping our Year 7s adjust to the new routines, timetable, and classes; through our many and varied curriculum offerings as well as our co-curricular, Positive Education and outdoor programme, we aim to build skills and resilience, enabling each student to meet the expectations of secondary school. Teamwork is paramount; we encourage our students to collaborate with others and build relationships, both in the classroom and beyond.

Full Year Subjects
Physical Education/Health
Japanese/ French/Reading
SMARTS (activities on rotation)

Semester Length Subjects
Literacy (Bridging)

Design Technology
Digital Technology
Food Technology
TICL (Teach, Innovate, Create, Learn)
Visual Arts 

At Year 8, we parallel the goals of the pastoral care programme to increase self-awareness, curiosity and independent learning. Similar to the outdoor education expedition in Year 8, the curriculum offers more extended studies, Project-Based Learning, and ignites innovation and enterprising ideas with subjects such as Inventiveness. The expectation is that by Year 8, students have developed their interests and passions and so at this year level we offer specialised Arts subjects such as Dance and Drama, as well as offerings focusing on sustainability in the curriculum with subjects such as Horticulture and Agriculture.

Full Year Subjects

Physical Education/Health
Japanese / French / Reading
SMARTS (activities on rotation)

Semester Length Subjects
Literacy (Bridging)

Semester Length Electives
Design Technology
Digital Technology
Food Technology
Horticulture & Agriculture
Outdoor Education
Visual Arts

Full Year Subjects

Community Service
Physical Education/Health
SMARTS (activities on rotation)

Semester Length Subjects

Students must select 4 electives.
Language subjects are year long and therefore students can only select 2 other electives. 

Full Year: French, Japanese

Semester Subjects:

Creative Arts (Media)
Design Technology (Metal)
Design Technology (Wood)
Digital Technology
Food Technology
Music Media and Technology
Music Performance
Outdoor Education
Science and Engineering
Sports Science
Visual Arts

Year 9 is the culmination of Middle School and we encourage our students to work towards greater independence. Year 9 continues to focus on such concepts as sustainability and responsibility. At this year level, students are involved in a more integrated curriculum with Project Based Learning opportunities to enable them to examine real-world issues. Furthermore, they are able to develop a greater sense of local and global responsibility with the Community Service Programme which links strongly to the Round Square ‘Spirit of Service’.